Do you (or does anyone else) have some country music recommendations? Despite knowing the genre is enormous and varied, every time I try to venture in I crash into some lyrical content that I struggle with, but I know there’s gold to be found everywhere. Would love a jumping off point for something fun and thoughtful!

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I got a milk frother for Christmas and it has leveled up my evening beverage routine! A vanilla tea brewed strong and then mixed into half a mug of steamed and frothed milk is just divine. Now, if I could find a good decaf chai tea, my evenings would be complete.

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Warm milk and hazelnut syrup sounds divine. I'll have to partake in that. A little joy of mine has been the sunshine these past few days and getting outside for walks. The fresh air truly does wonders for my mental health. This morning, I made pancakes for my husband and I, and as I cooked, I turned on a playlist of songs from the 1970s. It made me think of Sunday breakfasts as a kid, when my dad would be over the stove and singing to soundtracks from his childhood. I want to get back to the simple joys and that was a great practice run.

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I LOVED Nashville and I was so sad when it was cancelled. I still have the very last episode saved on my DVR. Maybe I need to watch it again from the beginning like you are.

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